
Who we are

Who we are

We are a grassroots nonpartisan and not-for-profit movement founded by Charles Tavares, an American-Brazilian entrepreneur in Miami, Florida, United States of America, that, through very hard working, ingenuity, and belief in the American dream of opportunities for all, achieved a very successful career in business and real estate investment and development, while participating in numerous community and grassroots organizations in Miami for the betterment of the community.    

While at the height of his career in Miami in 2011, Tavares uncovered and started exposing a Global Criminal Enterprise comprised of reckless and shameless law firms, bankers and corrupt businesses in the United States of America, Brazil, Switzerland, in the Republic of Panama, and other offshore havens,  implicated in some of the largest ever corruption schemes in the world, perpetrating, among other things,  intercontinental money laundering of corrupt monetary instruments and major tax frauds through the United States of America, further using its vast illicit wealth to successfully subvert and corrupt the political and judicial systems in Florida with dark monies in order to place associates in high positions of power, thus buying protection and influence everywhere they operate in order for them to expand their businesses and powers with total impunity.  As Tavares’ ordeal has uncovered and exposed these bad actors, domestic and foreign, the record shows they have already successfully subverted and corrupted Florida courts in all levels, instituting the systematic violation of laws and rights under color of law, in order to freely deprive U.S. citizens of their most fundamental state and federal constitutional rights and their properties upon subverted proceedings before corrupted courts, threatening the rule of law and posing a grave and immediate threat to our freedom, rights and democracy.

Since then,  they have viciously retaliated against Tavares in order to silence Tavares by extorting Tavares of all of his rights and properties upon bogus subverted court proceedings in Florida, hijacking Tavares’ companies with bogus corporate authority fabricated by the reckless and shameless attorneys in order to file bogus lawsuits against Tavares, using Tavares’ own hijacked companies in order to successfully and systematically extort Tavares, under color of law, upon brazen subverted civil proceedings presided by corrupted officers of the courts associated with the Criminal Enterprise, and further filing multiple bogus and fraudulent Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation (“SLAPPs”), and bogus repeated double-jeopardy bogus defamatory false claims against Tavares in order to intimidate and extort Tavares into silence, while freely acting with total impunity predicated on their successful corruption of the political, judicial and law enforcement agencies. See Tavares’ Affidavit of 11/27/2022.

As an American, Tavares, despite the tremendous sacrifices and suffering, refuses to back down from fighting this just cause against these powerful corruptive and subversive powers undermining everything that we as decent human beings hold dear for us and for generations to come.  Because Tavares successfully exposed their schemes, their days are numbered, so society can be free from their corruption.